Download School Management System Project in Django with Source Code

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  • Create Date January 9, 2022
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Download Free Source Code for project based on Online School Management System in Python using Django Framework.

Available Features:
  • Student Panel
  • Teacher Panel
  • Admin Panel
  • Manage Requests
  • Student Management
  • Teacher Management
  • Student Attendance Management
  • View Fees, Pending
  • Publish Notice

Instructions: How To Run?

  • After you finish downloading the project, unzip the project file and head over to the project root folder.
  • You can also create a Virtual Environment and Activate it.
  • Open your Terminal/Command Prompt on the project’s root folder.
  • Install the Requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Then, make database migrations: python makemigrations
  • python migrate
  • And finally, after a successful migration run the application: python runserver
  • At last, open up your favorite web browser
  • Go to URL “[ PORT_NUMBER ]/“
  • For the Admin Panel credentials, you have to create one with a superuser.

And there you have it, a full setup of the School Management System project in Django. At First, all you need to have is Python and Django installed on your local machine, whereas the remaining modules are under the requirements.txt file. Still, the versions may vary according to different project requirements, you can make use of it with python virtual environments. Also, Download Free School Management System Project in Python Django Source Code. So, this School Management System in Django is a fully functional project for all the beginner levels. Indeed, it helps to broaden vast knowledge into such Django web applications. In conclusion, this whole Django project with free source code is an absolute project and a meaningful way for the users to learn and explore more about it.


  1. hello, all this is new to me, how do i run this program, i have downloaded, Have read it but still dont understand it

      1. merci bien pour votre travail, c’est très motivant. Je voudrais savoir où se trouve la base de données ? savoir les logins aussi.

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