Car Rental System in PHP with Source Code

A project-based on Car Rental System which uses PHP Language. Following PHP project contains all the required and essential features which can be in use for the first-year, second-year IT, final-year IT students for their college projects. It has a number of features that will allow all the users to interact in a way that most other car rental websites interact with their customers in terms of dealing with rentals, charges, and other management. This website as well as the web application’s concept is all clear, it’s the same as real-life scenarios and well-implemented on it. To download free car rental system project in PHP with source code files, please scroll down to the bottom of this post for the Download button.

About Project

Moving on, this car rental project system project in PHP focuses mainly on dealing with customers regarding their car rental hours and certain transactions. Also, it displays all the available cars on the home page whereas the users cannot view unavailable cars until and unless the user returns the rental car. The project is divided into two categories: Customer Login and Employee Login. In an overview of this web app, the employee has full control of the system. Talking about the project, a customer can simply log in or register their accounts. He/she can view available cars, select any one and proceed for rental after selecting various conditions, dates, etc. After all, the customer can rent a car by filling up the given forms.

The customer can view all his rental records and history once after logging onto the system. In addition, the customer needs to return the cars using the system because all the records are carried throughout the system. At last, the system prints an invoice stating all the information with total costs.

Employee Panel

Similarly, an employee plays the main role in implementing the system. An employee has the right to view all bookings, drivers, cars. In order to add a car for rental purposes, an employee must provide a car name with its number plate, fare-related information, and car image too. Also, for adding driver records, he/she must provide his/her name with driving license number, contact information, and gender. Last but not the least, an admin can view all the system data such as bookings, car details, availability, driver information. For its UI elements, a free open-source CSS framework; Bootstrap is on board. Presenting a new car rental system project in PHP MySQL which includes an employee panel that contains all essential features to follow, and a knowledgeable resource for learning purposes.

Available Features:

  • Customer Login/Register
  • Employee Login/Register
  • Display all available cars
  • Various price range
  • Rent cars
  • View rental history
  • Return cars
  • Total amount calculations according to days and kms
  • Add and view rental cars
  • Add and list driver records
  • View overall bookings
  • Addition of extra charges (for crossing due dates)
Project Name:Car Rental System Project
Language/s Used:PHP, JavaScript
PHP version (Recommended):5.6.3 and 7.4.12
Type:Web Application
Developer:Nikhil Amin
Car Rental System Project in PHP – Project Information

Instructions: How to Run?

  • After you finish downloading the project, unzip the project file and head over to your XAMPP directory.
  • There you’ll find a folder naming “htdocs”.
  • Inside the “htdocs” folder, paste the project folder (not the .zip one, but the extracted one).
  • Open your favorite browser; we recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • Then, go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin“.
  • Create a Database with a name that is provided inside the “01 LOGIN DETAILS & PROJECT INFO.txt”.
  • Click on the “Import” tab and choose the database file (.sql) which is provided under the folder naming “DATABASE FILE”.
  • After setting up all these, go to URL “http://localhost/[ ENTER_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME_HERE ]
  • All the login details are provided inside the project folder, check that out and enter in order to use it.

And there you have it, a full setup of the Car Rental System in PHP MySQL. For this particular PHP project, PHP Version 5.6.3 or 7.4.12 is required because it’s well tested on both versions. So, users with the latest PHP version (greater than 7.4.12) might face various errors while operating it. As a result, you’ll need to downgrade your PHP version (only if you’re using the latest version and facing certain errors) at the moment. Download Free Car Rental Management System Project in PHP MySQL with Source Code. So, this car rental system is a quick broad PHP project for all the beginners as well as intermediate level that broads vast knowledge into such web applications. In conclusion, this whole PHP project with free source code is an absolute project and a meaningful way for the users to learn and explore more about it.

Free Download Car Rental System Project in PHP with Source Code:
Click the Download Button Below to Start Downloading

Note: Only for Educational Purpose


      1. it is working now fine now.
        The problem was when I returned the car after booking the amount didn’t show that is even when I enter traveled distance and submit
        the total amount showed 0.

        And there is another problem too when I add car and upload image. The image does not show it stays blank.

        1. Do I need to resize the image before uploading to some specified dimensions. If so please mention it.

  1. I tired but its not working but it gets stored in cars folder which is inside Img folder. And just now i checked your car images its all of different dimensions. Maybe there is some minor code error.

  2. Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: error_reporting(): Argument #1 ($error_level) must be of type ?int, string given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Car-Rental-Syatem-PHP-MYSQL-master\header.php:3 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\Car-Rental-Syatem-PHP-MYSQL-master\header.php(3): error_reporting(‘E-NOTICE’) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\Car-Rental-Syatem-PHP-MYSQL-master\index.php(21): include(‘C:\\xampp\\htdocs…’) #2 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\Car-Rental-Syatem-PHP-MYSQL-master\header.php on line 3

    This error is showing. Can you help?

  3. I get the following error while run it .
    Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Unknown database ‘carrentalp’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\Car_Rental-PHP\connection.php:11 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\Car_Rental-PHP\connection.php(11): mysqli-…………….

    1. That’s because you haven’t created any database for the project. First, create a database named ‘carrentalp’ and then import the provided database file.

  4. Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Unknown database ‘carrentalp’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\Car_Rental-PHP\connection.php:11 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\Car_Rental-PHP\connection.php(11)………………………..

    i got this error ,could you help me with this!!!

    1. That’s because you haven’t created any database for the project. First, create a database named ‘carrentalp’ and then import the provided database file.

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