Inventory Management System in PHP with Source Code

An advanced project based on Warehouse Inventory Management System which uses PHP Language. Following PHP project contains all the important features which can be in use for the first-year, second-year as well as final-year IT students for their college projects. It has important features that will allow all the users to interact in a way that managers interact with their employees in terms of dealing with inventories and sales records. This system as well as the web application’s concept is all clear, it’s the same as real-life scenarios and well-implemented on it. To download free warehouse inventory management system project in PHP with source code files, please scroll down to the bottom of this post for the Download button.

About Inventory Management System Project

Moving on, this inventory management system project in PHP focuses mainly on dealing with products regarding their sales and other pieces of information. Also, it displays all the available data such as total users, categories, products, and sales. The project is divided into three categories: Admin, Special User, and User Login, but the admin can manage it up to his/her choice from the user group management section. In an overview of this web app, the admin has full control of the system, where he/she can manage all inventory records. Talking about the project, an admin account can manage categories, products with their respective sales information. Also, this inventory system generates sales reports on basis of monthly, daily, and weekly reports. In terms of maintaining a sales record, the user has to fill up certain details like the product name, quantity and date.

Under the sales report, it displays all the sales item with their respective buying and selling price, total cost, date, quantities and total earnings with profit margins. Besides, the user can attach media files along with the product names. For this, user simply has to upload the image file under Media section and later on, he/she must select that particular media file while inserting product details. The system arranges all the records systematically with their respective categories. The admin dashboard displays top recent product sales with their highest amount of quantities.

User and Special User Panel

On the other hand, special user and user have their own respective roles in this system. In terms of special users, he/she can only have access to the product management section and media section. Whereas, the user (Employee account) has access to manage sales records and view sales reports. Sales report includes monthly, weekly, and daily reports as mentioned earlier above. In short, an admin and the user has rights to the management side of sales. Still, every user has their own depending roles. Besides all these things, each and every user role can manage their own user profiles respectively.

Last but not least, a clean and simple dashboard is presented with plain and simple color combinations for greater user experience while using this inventory management system project in PHP. For its UI elements, a free open-source CSS framework; Bootstrap with Vanilla CSS is on board. Presenting a new inventory management system project in PHP MySQL which includes an admin panel with special user and employee login panel that contains all the top important features to follow up, and a knowledgeable resource for learning purposes.

Available Features:

  • Admin panel
  • Employee panel
  • Special user panel
  • Manage user groups
  • User management system
  • Account settings
  • Arrange categories
  • Product management system
  • Upload media files
  • Sales management system
  • Generate monthly, weekly, and daily sales reports
  • Top latest sale items
  • Highest selling products
Project Name:Inventory Management System
Language/s Used:PHP
PHP version (Recommended):5.6.3
Type:Web Application
Developer:Siamon Hasan
Inventory Management System – Project Information

Instructions: How to Run?

  • After you finish downloading the project, unzip the project file and head over to your XAMPP directory.
  • There you’ll find a folder naming “htdocs”.
  • Inside the “htdocs” folder, paste the project folder (not the .zip one, but the extracted one).
  • Open your favorite browser; we recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • Then, go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin“.
  • Create a Database with a name that is provided inside the “01 LOGIN DETAILS & PROJECT INFO.txt”.
  • Click on the “Import” tab and choose the database file (.sql) which is provided under the folder naming “DATABASE FILE”.
  • After setting up all these, go to URL “http://localhost/[ ENTER_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME_HERE ]
  • All the login details are provided inside the project folder, check that out and enter in order to use it.

And there you have it, a full setup of Inventory Management System Project in PHP MySQL. For this particular PHP project, PHP Version 5.6.3 is required because the project does not operate with the latest PHP version. So, users with the latest PHP version (greater than 5.6.3) might face various problems while operating it. As a result, you’ll need to downgrade your PHP version (only if you’re using the latest version) at the moment. Download Free Warehouse Inventory Management System Project in PHP MySQL with Source Code. So, this warehouse inventory management system is a quick advance PHP project for all the beginner as well as intermediate levels that broads vast knowledge into such PHP web applications. In conclusion, this whole PHP project with free source code is an absolute project and a meaningful way for the users to learn and explore more onto it.

Free Download Inventory Management System Project in PHP with Source Code:
Click the Download Button Below to Start Downloading

Note: Only for Educational Purpose


  1. thank you very much for the owner for making this application, this application I use feels very safe and easy for me to understand….thank’s for Mrs. Siamon Hasan

  2. please i am from Nigeria. i need a modification of the inventory system. please send me a message on whatsapp +2348160992336
    Great Job.

  3. Hi, I downloaded this file a month ago and it’s ok when I modified it in the month, but when I open it today, all the CSS alignment shows wrongly, it does not same as yesterday I opened it, and when I downloaded a new folder from this website and open it, it shows wrongly also, may I ask what happen to the folder?

  4. hi can you please advice. I got this error : trying to access array offset on value of type bool
    on line 195
    page sql.php in include folder

    1. replace elseif($login_level[‘group_status’] === ‘0’): into elseif($login_level[‘group_status’] = ‘0’):

  5. Hello I can’t find the bootstrap.min.css folder anywhere but the scan sees it can you tell me where I can find it?Thanks in advance for your reply!

  6. the pictures on items dont work. where is the “upload” photo function?
    if you are interested to do some few changes i will pay you for them,please email me.

  7. when i remove a user i get this error all over the page “Trying to access array offset on value of type null in C:\…\header.php on line 65

  8. Hi, in sales page if i enter quantity more than in the stock, it is return by sign –
    Example if u have product with 50 quantity and i sale 60 the final value will be -10 so i want to return un enough quantity

  9. please. Can you help me?
    When I go to go to URL “http://localhost/[ InventorySystem_PHP ] in crome, it says “404 not found”.

    thank you

  10. how to create another side bar like on the admin GUI the side after sales report?
    i already added but my code or program have an error i cant repeat my code like
    how i can add another side bar function
    thanks you

  11. Error on this Query :
    SELECT id,username,password,user_level FROM users WHERE username =’user’ LIMIT 1

  12. Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in C:\xampp\htdocs\InventorySystem_PHP\includes\sql.php on line 195

    that the only problem that I encounter everything works fine can you help me to fix this

  13. hi. the system is very good. But you can’t change the dashboard to show it in a more complete graph? I think that’s all it needs to be perfect

  14. Hello dear,
    I realy appricaite your work. I need a little changes that is if a login is for employee and admin/ manager will not be combined. The other thing is that in the employe section i need the two option one for submit leave request and the data will be shown to the manager or admin profile where he accept or reject it then the employee should know about this in his own login area.the other is shifts scheduling option in the employee login area there will be a shift selection that employee can select the for flexibility and when choose the shift the shift will be automaticaly disabled for other employees and the shift information will be shown in admin and employee portal as well

  15. Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Unknown database ‘inventory_system’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\InventorySystem_PHP………………………………….

    -Help me , shat should i do on line 23?

    1. Ensure the database ‘inventory_system’ exists and is spelled correctly. Double-check the database connection.
      If you don’t have database set for this project then,

      1. Create a new database named ‘inventory_system’ from phpMyAdmin.
      2. Import the provided database file into this newly created database.
      This will resolve the ‘Unknown database’ error that you’re facing.

  16. Not Found
    The requested URL was not found on this server.

    Apache/2.4.58 (Win64) OpenSSL/3.1.3 PHP/8.0.30 Server at localhost Port 80

  17. Hi thank you for your project, this is a huge help for my school project but i’m trying to find the html files because I want to use your project as a reference. It would be a big help if you can tell me the file structure of your project. Also sorry if i said something wrong since this is the first time I try to use php

  18. Can I host this project on my domain using cpanel? or windows server 2022? As I want to use it and access on the internet.

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