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- Create Date June 5, 2022
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Download Free Source Code for project based on Gym Management System in PHP MySQL.
Available Features:
- Admin Panel
- Customer Panel
- Staff Panel
- Customer Management
- Staff Management
- Customer's To-Do List
- Reminders
- Gym Announcement
- Gym Equipment Management
- Attendance Management
- Manage Customer's Progress
- Member's Account Status
- Notify Customers/Alert
- Payments and Plans
- Payment Receipts
- Download/Print Receipts
- Total Earnings
- Search Records
- Services Report
- Earnings and Expenses Report
- Member's Report
- Customer's Progress Report
Instructions: How to Run?
- After you finish downloading the project, unzip the project file and head over to your XAMPP directory.
- There you’ll find a folder naming “htdocs”.
- Inside the “htdocs” folder, paste the project folder (not the .zip one, but the extracted one).
- Open your favorite browser; we recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
- Then, go to the URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin“.
- Create a Database with a name that is provided inside the “01 LOGIN DETAILS & PROJECT INFO.txt”.
- Click on the “Import” tab and choose the database file (.sql) which is provided under the folder naming “DATABASE FILE”.
- After setting up all these, go to the URL “http://localhost/[ PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME ]/“
- All the login details are provided inside the project folder, check that out and enter them in order to use it.
And there you have it, a full setup of the Gym Management System Project in PHP MySQL. For this particular PHP project, PHP Version 5.6 or 7.4 is required because the project does not operate with the oldest PHP version. So, users with the oldest PHP version (older than 5.6) might face various problems while operating it. As a result, you’ll need to manage your PHP version (only if you’re using the old version) at the moment. Also, Download Free Gym Management System Project in PHP Source Code. So, this online gym management system PHP project is a fully functional project for all the intermediate levels that broads vast knowledge into such PHP web applications. In conclusion, this whole PHP project with free source code is an absolute project and a meaningful way for the users to learn and explore more about it.
lavde login credenstials galat hai chutiya
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sir why its not working to download please how to download it
Try downloading from the main post page: https://codeastro.com/gym-management-system-in-php-mysql-with-source-code/
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in C:\xampp\htdocs\Gym-System\staff\staff-pages\attendance.php on line 106
It’s error when I try to access into Manage Attendance page using staff account
Might be due to your latest version of PHP. This project requires PHP 5
I have php version8 then also its showing this error in the attendance page.please help
can I use it for my college ?
how to add staff ?
From admin panel
I can’t see the dashboard.html file
Yes, you won’t see it cause this is not html project. There are php files for all the source code.
How to change the currency of the payment in indian rupees in the code also mention the code where it has to be changed
how to change currency in code and also mention the part where it is to be changed
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.58 (Win64) OpenSSL/3.1.3 PHP/8.1.25 Server at localhost Port 80
After installing and setting up the server i get this error when accessing the server ?
how to fix kindly tell
How did you try to access the project?