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- Create Date May 14, 2021
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Download Free Source Code for project based on simple hospital management system in Python using Flask Web Framework.
Available Features:
- Admin Panel
- Patient Management
- Doctor Management
- Book Appointments
- Manage Appointments
- Search Records
Instructions: How to Run?
- After you finish downloading the project, unzip the project file.
- Make sure you have all the requirements packages.
- Open “app.py” using Python-based IDE (like Visual Studio Code, IDLE, PyCharm, etc).
- After successful operations, the project runs at “localhost:8000”.
- Then, open your favorite web browser.
- Go to URL “http://localhost:8000“.
- You can also configure the port number on your own!
And there you have it, a full setup of the Simple Hospital Management System in Python project. For this particular python project, Python Version 2.7 or 3.x is required because the project might not operate well with the top latest Python version. Still, more features can be added to it in order to make it more comprehensive. So, this hospital management system is a simple python project for all the beginner as well as the intermediate levels that broads vast knowledge into such python web applications using Flask. In conclusion, this whole Python project with free source code is an absolute project and a meaningful way for the users to learn and explore more about it.
it is good